Emperor Palace


Grand Salvador

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Majestic Sofa Set (1+1+2+4+CT+2ST) includes two single-seaters, one twin-seater, one four-seater, one coffee table, and two side tables

Our magnificent Grand Salvador sofa set is named after Salvador Dali, a Spanish surrealist artist renowned for his technical skill, precise draftsmanship, and the striking and bizarre images in his work. He is perhaps one of the most famous artists, with his artistic repertoire including painting, graphic arts, film, sculpture, design and photography, at times in collaboration with other artists. He also wrote fiction, poetry, autobiography, essays and criticism. Salvador Dali epitomized the idea that life is the greatest form of art and he mined his with such relentless passion, purity of mission and diehard commitment to exploring and honing his various interests and crafts that it is impossible to ignore his groundbreaking impact on the art world.

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Grand Salvador